Parsing Issues

A guide on what to do when you encounter a parsing issue with the app.

Next Steps

If you're reading this, you most likely have encountered an issue somewhere within the app and have been sent here to help me solve the issue. If so, please create a new issue on the app's GitHub repository with the given error message.

Doing so will help get my attention of the issue and fix it as soon as possible.


If you're curious about what the various error codes mean, here's a brief description of each.


When the app searches for anything related to a movie, tv show, or a person, it does so through The Movie Database. The app has various schemas that it uses to validate the data it receives from their API, which ensures that the app understands the structure of the data. These schemas are created using Zod, and it's here where the error occurs.

If the data received from the API does not match the schema, it will throw an error asit cannot parse the data. Due to the nature of this, if you encounter this error, you will continuously see it until it's fixed.


If you encounter this error, it means that the app has reached the rate limit for The Movie Database's API. This error is usually temporary and will go away after a few minutes.

If you encounter this error continuously, please create an issue on the app's GitHub repository.


This error occurs when the app tries to fetch data from TMDB's API, but the requested data does not exist. You shouldn't really encounter this error, but if you do, please create an issue.


An unknown error occurred, and the app doesn't know what to do.